Magnum Popsicles

Well these magnum's flavor is the newest in my town so i went to get some of it and make a review.
The black one, it really has a strong coffee flavor and the dark chocolate bitter flavor. The ice cream tastes exactly like cold cappucinno as it melts in your mouth.
Meanwhile,the pomegranate; the pink one, it has fresh fruity flavor ice cream on the inside and pink-colored chocolate covering the whole ice cream which is tastes like really sweet white chocolate.
I personally like the black one more than the pink, not only because i like coffee but it's also because the pomegranate one tastes too sweet for me and it's a little bit weird to eat a fruit-flavored magnum.
But overall, both of it actually good and worth to taste if you're an ice cream liker :)
You can get it anywhere actually ^^
Price: approx. IDR 11.000 (depends on the supplier/ stores)


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