Indonesian food: 1

I'm back! I haven't post anything here recently because i was too busy with some stuffs at campus.. but here i am ready to tell you guys about some delicacies!!
This time i wanna tell you about Indonesian food! For all of you that might not know, Indonesia is a big country and have so many different dishes from each cities (so i guess it's impossible to tell you all Indonesian dish since i myself haven't try all the dishes all over my country lol but i'll try my best!).
First i wanna talk about Tahu Tek. Tahu means tofu but tahu is firmer and a little bit harder than soft tofu. Meanwhile, Tek doesn't mean anything. It just some kind of tick tack sound. This dishes is called that way because it was sold in an individual food trunk which usually goes around the city by tick-tacking some wooden stick and it sounds like "tek-tek-tek".
This dishes is made by deep fried the tofu in beaten eggs, and add some boiled (sometimes people fried it too) potatoes, boiled hard eggs (cutted in medium pieces) and things called lontong (lontong is some kind of rice cakes but the texture of the rice is not as smooth as rice cakes. The shape of rice is mostly gone but still, it's not that soft lol). The thing that decides whether the tahu tek is delicious or not is the peanut sauce. The sauce was made from peanut, beaten together with some garlicks, shrimp paste, salts, and chilis. And after the sauce is being poured onto the dish, it's already ready to eat but it will be a miss if we didn't add shrimp crackers. Some people eat it with small raw beansprouts and pickles or chili.
This is a famous traditional dish in Java island, Indonesia. So if you ever come to Indonesia, especially Java, you will find it almost everywhere! But iF you come to Surabaya (my city), i recommend
Tahu Tek Pak Haji Ali
Jalan Dinoyo (Dinoyo street)
In front of Suzana bakery (i forgot the number, it is a small place though it's really delicious and always full of ppl).


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